gwily's events video coverage

We offer all about web services, video coverage and production, graphic designs, etc.

Because your satisfaction is our pleasure, we attend to your projects in a way that ensures a positive solution for every requirement you stated.

We try putting the best effort to analyse all needed along with the entire estimate of a project, knowing that a satisfied client is always a happy client.

Our website service package includes the following:

Domain / Design / Develop / Maintenance, we except you to provide your contents for you know more about or what you want for your business, service, etc.


Read More or See Our Web Services Portfolio.

Our Video Coverage & Production Service.

We record, edit and produce your video to all device also publish them to all platform online if you so require.

We learn everything about your event and your goals for your video. We collaborate with you to create the best possible ideas to meet those goals. From capturing your footage to production your video or delivering your raw file, everything you need is here be it Birthday party, Child dedication, Marriage, Music video, Editing of video footage we captured or your pass events, Productions of your video to the device of your choice.

We also:

Partner with various TV Stations, Freelance camera man or video producer etc to provide them with video footage the need in any European country or getting the video footage of your event in any country in Africa.

We record, edit, and live stream corporate events, conferences, lectures, panel discussions, musical performances and theatre.

Advises you on the best approach for getting your image and message delivered flawlessly and seamlessly.

Read More or See Our Video Coverage & Production Services Portfolio.

Our Graphic designs Service.

Because we know that creativity is to think more efficiently and design is thinking made visible, We put in the required effort and analyze your project to understand it’s aim and think more efficiently to make them visible for you.

As we work with great graphic designers that put value to their work.

All this comes at an affordable price.

See Our Graphic Services Portfolio.



Andalucia Spain

+346 5930 0249

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